Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Healthy Relationships Week

Healthy Relationships Week is approaching in February 2009 (Feb. 6-12, 2009). One of our main events is the production of the Vagina Monologues!

These Vagina Monologue performances are part of the 2009 V-Day initiative. V-Day is a global movement to end violence against women and girls that raises funds and awareness through benefit productions of Playwright/Founder Eve Ensler. These performances create a true and profound portrait of how violence against women and children affects every one of us. The atmosphere is filled with laughter, tears and smiles, where actors and audience together experience what it means to take a stand to stop violence.

We will be holding auditions for this year's production on December 5, 2008 from 2:30 to 7pm. Please sign up ahead of time in Room 220 of the SUB I building.

Show times are as follows:
Friday, Feb 6, 2009 8:00pm
Sat Feb 7, 2009 2:00pm
Sat Feb 7, 2009 8:00pm

Prices for the show:
General admission $25
Mason staff/faculty $10
Mason students $5
Groups of 10 or more $15 each (must be purchased together)

More information to come!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Turn Off the Violence Week

Turn off the Violence Week (TOV) is coming up the week of October 13th. Check out all of the events that will be happening in and around Mason:


Pre-Turn Off the Violence Week Events:

Donation Drive October 1-10
Help women and children in need by donating to NOVACO, a transitional housing for victims of domestic abuse and their children. Bring donations to: Johnson Center, Room 240K; Enterprise Hall, Room 442; and SUB I, Room 220. For more details about NOVACO and the kinds of items to bring, please visit Items will be delivered 10/13/08. Co-sponsored with the Center for Leadership and Community Engagement.

Safe Zone Training
Friday 10/10 - 9:30am-4:30pm Brought to you by the Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Questioning Resources. Increase your knowledge and skills as an ally, and help Mason become safer and more welcoming for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) community members. Email

Turn Off the Violence Week—October 13-17:

The Clothesline Project October 14-16
Over 500 handmade t-shirts dedicated to victims of violence will be hung throughout campus. This is a visual display created by and for victims, providing an opportunity for women to break the silence. Each shirt is decorated to represent a particular woman’s experience, whether by the survivor herself or by someone who cares about her. Come by and view or design a t-shirt yourself! 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Grove area between Harris Theater and SUB I.

Take Back the Night Rally & March
Tuesday 10/15 - 7:00pm A peaceful gathering will take place in the North Plaza supporting the end of sexual and domestic violence and symbolizing a safe place for all. There will be several speakers and a march through campus. A reception will follow. Co-sponsored with the Feminist Ninjas.

The After Party
Tuesday 10/15 - 9:00pm After the Take Back the Night Rally & March on the North Plaza. Safely and fearlessly celebrate the night. There will be • games (provided by Rec Sports)
• food and a DJ
• service project benefitting Animal Assistance Crisis Response therapy dogs and their handlers
• self-defense demonstration by University Police
• the 1st Trash to Fashion Runway Challenge, co-sponsored by the Pride Alliance. This is your chance to show your creativity by designing fashion out of trash (we’ll provide the trash). Prizes for the top three entries. One could be yours! Registration will begin at 10pm.

Survivor Space
Wednesday 10/16 - 7:00pm If you are a survivor of violence, this is your chance. Speak out and listen. Offer and find support. In the Grove between Harris Theater and SUB I.

MasonStrong Interest Meeting
Friday 10/17- 11:00am–1:00pm This is the exciting kickoff event for MasonStrong, Mason’s new male allies group. If you would like to be part of the creation of this exciting new organization, The Mentors Advisory Board (members of Mason’s faculty and staff) will be on hand to answer questions and talk with male Mason students interested in working with Sexual Assault Services to end sexual violence. In the Robeson Room (JC 240A).

The White Ribbon Campaign October 14-16
The White Ribbon Campaign (WRC) is the largest effort in the world of men working to end violence against women (VAW). Wearing a white ribbon is a man’s personal pledge to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women and girls. Wearing a white ribbon is a pledge that you will not tolerate violence against women. Take a stand. Wear the ribbon.

Co-sponsors of Turn Off the Violence Week include the Office of Alcohol, Drug and Health Education, the Office of Housing and Residence Life, Women’s and Gender Studies, and The Feminist Ninjas. All events are free and open to the Mason community.

Monday, September 15, 2008

GMU student opinion article

Mason student Eamonn Rockwell posted the following opinion article on the ConnectMason website. Please take a look as the information, the author mentions a "rape coupon" that he has seen passed out around campus. Awareness of the horrid nature of these coupons needs to be brought to the forefront, so please advise anyone at Sexual Assault Services (703-993-9999) if you see these coupons around campus. Hopefully they are not legitimate, but even if they are, and are visible on campus, action against them is necessary. They are traumatic to victims, and can convince perpetrators that what they did was acceptable. Its not. Support victims, not the perps.

Opinion: Keep Your Obnoxious Flyers Off Campus
By Mason student Eamonn Rockwell
I am admittedly somewhat anti-social in unfamiliar settings. It’s not that I hate interacting with people; it’s just that I hate making an ass out of myself in front of total strangers. At a school of however many thousands of people Mason has, this is surprisingly easy to avoid, as you tend not to see the same people every day, if ever. Without the distraction of actually having to interact with people in order to make Mason anything other than a huge Matrixesque machine, I can sit around watching “Italian Spiderman” on my laptop in the Johnson Center if I ever find a working outlet. On a side note, go watch “Italian Spiderman” on youtube. It’s brilliant.
However, my fun is usually spoiled when someone hands me a flyer for some lame party in one of the many god-awful DC nightclubs, something about why we shouldn’t eat delicious animals, sketchy coupons nobody in their right minds would want to use (particularly the coupon good for one free rape in the Rape Woods) or some other thing that I don’t care about that is merely an excuse to tear down trees and distribute to students with better things to do.
I suppose this is just beating a dead horse, but I don’t want to be handed a bunch of trash by people on my way to and from classes. I especially don’t want to be handed a bunch of advertisements from kids who don’t understand that they’re nothing but poorly-paid tools for corporate shills. Handing out a bunch of ads gives the Mason campus even more of an atmosphere of caring about nothing but sucking every last penny from students who don’t have better options in life. It makes the camps uglier both physically when people throw these ads in the trash and miss, and spiritually in the sense that it turns the campus into a giant corporate whore willing to do whatever a corporation wants if they have the money, no matter how perverted (mainly the 2 Girls 1 Cup advertisements all over campus).
Although I suppose this is not entirely unexpected. Mason likes to raise tuition without improving things like education, housing (for the few people who can get it), campus life, etc. And don’t give me that “blah blah blah it’s an improving school” BS. They’ve been saying the same thing about Flint, Michigan for years and if I recall correctly, Flint is more terrifying Mordor would be under the leadership of Ed Gein. But this isn’t about how Mason blows (I’m saving that for graduation, if and when I ever graduate); it’s about how much I want to punch people in the face when they try to hand me something as I’m trying to go to class.
But as much as I hate those who hand me paper that could have served everyone better as a tree, at least they stay in one place and can be avoided. Towards the end of last year, I was approached no less than four times by religious organizations when sitting in the third floor of the Johnson Center. Three of those times it was by the same Catholic Korean group that barely spoke English and just tried to shove some flyer in my hand and get money out of me, despite the fact that I had a big sign next to me saying “I DO NOT GIVE MONEY TO CATHOLIC KOREAN ORGANIZATIONS!” written in both English and Korean. The other time was by the Catholic Campus Ministry or whatever they’re called (apparently Catholics have a lot of time to go around and bother me while I’m dicking around on the internet), who proceeded to try and ask me scientific sounding questions that were obviously baited so that one had to either completely accept religion or completely deny it when asked. Furthermore, the two gentlemen also told me about how Islam instructs followers to kill nonbelievers, which I had just learned in my Arabic class that same day was completely untrue. It’s bad enough when I get annoyed and told lies on the way to class, but to get annoyed and lied to while on my leisure time is just unacceptable.
So for those of you who have read this and are missing the underlying message (which is understandable as staying on point is something I generally fail at), it is this: stop handing me stuff when I’m walking around campus. Don’t know what I look like? Assume I’m a male, female or transgender individual between the ages of 10 and 70, and then don’t hand me the stupid flyer, petition, dead baby/mutilated animal picture, Lyndon LaRouche magazine, or anything else you might be handing out. By doing so, you save the environment both by chopping down fewer trees and by making Mason less of a giant soulless billboard and more like something that resembles an institute of higher education.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

New Peer Training

We will be holding an information meeting for returning Peers on Friday, September 5, from 12:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. in SUB 1.

Training weekend for NEW peers will be on Friday, September 12 through Sunday, September 14, 2008. All new Peers are required to attend this. All returning peers who are able to attend or assist are welcome. Please let Donna ( know if you are available to assist that weekend.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Peer Recruitment

Its that time of year again: Peer Recruitment!!!

We have three levels of peers:

-this is for Graduate students and faculty/staff.
-Highly trained to provide crisis intervention and accompaniment through medical and police proceedings as necessary in the absence of the Sexual Assault Services Coordinator.
-Carry the GMU SAS 24-hour cell phone when the SAS Coordinator is away from GMU.
-Provide crisis intervention, hospital and police accompaniment and encouraging victims/survivors to maintain safe behavior and/or modify current unsafe behavior.

-this is for Undergraduate and graduate students
-Receive intensive training on issues surrounding sexual assault and facilitation skills
-Take their knowledge into classrooms, dormitories and community agencies.
-Maintain a nonjudgmental approach as they encourage individuals and groups to think and talk about the issues around sexual assault and dating violence that impact young adults.
-Facilitate interactive sessions in the resident halls, University 100 classes, club and organizational meetings, and in academic classrooms on topics related to sexual assault .

-this is for Undergraduate and graduate students
-Work closely with the Sexual Assault Services Coordinator and serve as an adjunct to professional work of the office.
-Help increase the victim/survivor’s effectiveness in coping with the aftermath of an assault by providing a confidential format to explore feelings of isolation.
-Matched with victims/survivors and then supervised closely by SAS staff. Based on availability, age and similarity with the victim/survivor, and other attributes, such as educational level, which have a high probability of rapport-development. Available to link with the victim/survivor in person, on the telephone, or by email; supply information and referrals; and accompany the victim/survivor to any incident-related appointments.
-Valuable resource for victims/survivors who may want to talk about reactions and emotions following an assault.

If you would like to fill out an application, please visit the GMU SAS website at:
to download an application.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Mason Holds Day of Remembrance for Virginia Tech Victims

From the GMU webpage today:

To commemorate the lives lost on the Virginia Tech campus a year ago, and to acknowledge violence at other universities and colleges throughout the past year, Mason will hold a series of events on Wednesday, April 16. 

The events will seek to unite the Mason community while providing a safe venue in which to discourage violence. 

Student Government members and student leaders will remember the moment –when the first shots were heard at 7:15 a.m. on April 16, 2007– by placing white ribbons around the trees throughout the North Plaza and Student Union Building I areas. 

At noon, university administrators, students, faculty and staff are invited to the Johnson Center to hear commemorative speeches by Mason President Alan Merten and Student Body President Drew Shelnutt. 

The speeches will be followed by a moment of silence and a performance by Laura Mays, a Mason student who wrote a song about the tragedy. 

A kiosk will also be set up in the Johnson Center for members of the Mason community to pick up a ribbon or make their own. Staff from Sexual Assault Services and Counseling and Psychological Services will be available to offer support to anyone who needs it. A banner promoting nonviolence will be on display for the Mason community to sign. 

At 7:30 p.m., a vigil and night of reflection for the university and surrounding community will be held on the North Plaza. The Student Activities Office will provide candles, and the reflection will be facilitated by a Mason student or staff member. 

In addition, Virginia Gov. Timothy Kaine has ordered the state flag be lowered to half-staff for the day and has called for a moment of silence, followed by a tolling of bells statewide, in memory of those killed last year. 

For more information about the commemorative events, e-mail Student Body Vice President Ijeoma Nwatu at

Friday, April 11, 2008


Victim's Rights week kicks off this weekend!

GMU will be honoring the Virginia Tech massacre victims with two special ceremonies: one at 7 a.m. on April 16, 2008 and the other at 7 p.m. on the same day. Both will occur in the JC plaza near the statue.



By posting to the George Mason University’s Sexual Assault Services Message Board (Discussion Forum), Chat Room or sending letters, you agree that George Mason University Sexual Assault Services can display, modify, transmit, distribute or delete your posting without needing permission from you.

George Mason University Sexual Assault Services is not responsible for the content of posted comments or images. Postings may be removed by George Mason University Sexual Assault Services at any time at their sole discretion.

In no event will George Mason University Sexual Assault Services be liable to you for any damages of any kind, even if George Mason University Sexual Assault Services is informed in advance of the possibility of such damages.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Victim's Rights Week

Victim's Rights Week is quickly approaching, and SAS and the GMU community has many events planned.

Take a look at the website for more details, but in quick listing:

National Observance and Candlelight Ceremony. Thursday, April 10, 2008. 6:30–7:30 p.m.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce. 1615 H Street NW., Washington, D.C.
- main speaker is author Dominick Dunne, who will discuss the murder of his daughter

Attorney General's Crime Victim Service Awards Ceremony Friday, April 11, 2008. 2:30–4:30 p.m
Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium. 1301 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D.C. Time: You must register to attend.

Northern Virginia Annual Candlelight Vigil of Courage, Hope and RemembranceSunday, April 13, 2008. 3:00 pm
Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Pky, Fairfax, VA
- main speaker is Joe Samaha, father of Rema Samaha, one of the 32 murdered VA Tech students

12th Annual Crime Victims’ Rights 5K Run/Walk in collaboration with the Aimee Willard Endowment Scholarship FundTuesday April 15.
Walk begins at Noon.
Late registration begins at 10:30.
GMU Fairfax Campus on Mason Pond Drive in front of the Center for the Arts.
Join President Merten, fellow Mason students, and the community as they take steps for victims’ rights! Registration required: $5 for Mason Students, $12 for Mason Faculty/Staff, $20 for General Public (group discounts available). Trophies will be awarded. Prizes, T-shirts and refreshments!

Sponsors: Army ROTC, The Office of Housin and Residence Life, Intercollegiate Athletics, Sexual Assault Services, and University Police Department.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Comments and Updates!!

The website for the GMU Sexual Assault Services is

The deadline for the survivor quilt squares is March 17, 2008. They should be turned in to Room 205 in the SUB I building.

The Coordinating Council had a meeting on Tuesday, March 4, 2008. Updates on what was discussed at this meeting will be forthcoming. It was decided there to add a note on this site about posting. Please check back next week for that information.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Still More Upcoming Events

Safe Spring Break Week: March 3-7, 2008.


Monday 03/03/08
Waffle Day Kiosk – 11:30 am - 12:30 pm in Dewberry Hall
Kiosk at the 2nd Annual Top That! - Waffle Day 2008 - Give-aways and Healthy Hook Up Kits

Tuesday 03/04/08
Spring Break Hits Ciao Hall - 11:30 - 1:30 in Ciao Hall
Start your break a little early! Join us for food from the road, some music, and lots of great give-aways at the Safe Spring Break Awareness Week table.
School of Rock & A BBQ 7:30 outside Shenandoah Hall
Take a time out to get ready for Spring Break. Join us for dinner and a movie. Outside Location: Blue Ridge and Shenandoah Hall Courtyard located in front of the Corner Pocket Game RoomRain Site: Shenandoah Tiered Seminar Room located on the 1st floor of Shenandoah opposite the Blue Ridge Convenience Store. Give-aways and Healthy Hook Up Kits.

Wednesday 03/05/08
Spring Break Hits the JC, 12–1PM and 5-6PM
A One Man Caribbean Band, Popcorn, Give-aways and Healthy Hook Up Kits
Safe Spring Break Awareness Week kiosk – JC Atrium, 1-5
Get all the information you need for a fantastic spring break and lots of great give-aways at the Safe Spring Break Awareness Week Kiosk.
Arlington Kiosk - Exact time and location will be posted soon
Give-aways and Healthy Hook Up Kits

Thursday 03/08/08
Prince William Programming - Exact time and location will be posted soon
Give-aways and Healthy Hook Up Kits

Survivor Quilt:

The Survivor Quilt is a visual display to remember those who have been victimized by dating/domestic violence, sexual assault and/or stalking and to bring awareness of these issues to our campus community. Quilt squares can be designed by individuals to represent a personal experience or to honor someone they know who has been affected. Those individuals who do not know anyone who has been a victim of these issues are encouraged to decorate a square to show their support for the survivors in their community.

The Survivor Quilt will be hung on campus during Victims’ Rights Week in April 2008. Each year we will add on to the quilt, giving everyone the opportunity to become a part of this representation of hope and survival. This quilt is intended to be a unifying tool for victims as we sew together individual stories creating a sense of unity and supportiveness. Remember, one square doesn’t create a quilt; all of our stories are needed for this unifying project. Completed squares need to be dropped off by March 1st at SUB I Room 220.

Support victims and survivors of domestic violence with a Speak Out Against Domestic Violence Bracelet. $3 in the Wellness Education Resource Room (SUB I 220).

Sexual Assault Services in collaboration with the Avon Foundation Speak Out Against Domestic Violence program are providing you the opportunity to join in the effort to end domestic/dating violence.

Proceeds go to George Mason University Victims of Violence Fund. This bracelet helps fund education, awareness and prevention programs as well as direct services to assist dating/domestic violence victims and survivors.
Support those you love, care about, and admire with the purchase of this bracelet.

If you or someone you know has been impacted by domestic violence, contact Sexual Assault Services. We're here to listen, and we can help.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Updates February 2007

We are going to be very busy in the latter part of the spring semester. Below are just a few offerings:

1. The SAS Coordinating Council will be having a meeting in the JC Robeson Room, on Tuesday, March 4th, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. This group is composed of victim service providers both on campus and in our surrounding community...advocates, law enforcement, and health professionals. On this particular day, our agenda will include the following topics:
-Review of our 2008 Healthy Relationships Week which was held February 1-8
-Review of newly enacted/pending Virginia legislation regarding sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, and stalking
-Presentation of new initiatives this spring - Write to Heal group, 'One Can' campaign, and the Survival Quilt Project
-Information about remaining spring theme weeks -- Safe Spring Break (March 3-7) and Victims' Rights Week (April 13-18)

This year's Victims' Rights Week will include our 12th Annual Victims' Rights Walk/Run on April 15 as well as the commemoration of the one year anniversary of the Virginia Tech tragedy (April 16). If there are any suggestions as to what the GMU community can do to commemorate the tragedy, please post ideas on this blog or email the creator of the blog (

One of our own Peers Patty Zorbas and staff member Kathleen Gless will discuss the Write to Heal Group that they are co-facilitating this spring.

We will also be preparing presentations for two Healthy Sexuality classes, occuring on April 29 and May 5 at 7:30pm in PE 217 again.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Who We Are

Hello! This blog features the George Mason University Sexual Assault Services (SAS) department, where we will keep you informed as to who we are, and the upcoming events that we are coordinating.

First off, SAS is committed to: Providing direct services for survivors of sexual assault, and Offering sexual assault education and information to the university community. All services are available to survivors, and to their families, significant others, and friends at no cost. We are here for anyone who has been a victim of sexual violence: men, women, old, young, and those with disabilities regardless of race, color, or orientation - gay, straight, bisexual, or transgender. We are dedicated to helping create a world in which our services are no longer needed.

Upcoming Events:

Eve Ensler Extravaganza - The Vagina Monologues and A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and a Prayer. Tickets on sale now!!!

The Vagina Monologues: Coming Again… February 1 & 2, 2008, at 8:00 p.m. In GMU's Harris Theatre. Tickets on sale now in the Center for the Arts box office: $5 GMU students (with ID), $10 faculty/staff, $25 community members

A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and a Prayer - February 3, 2008, 2:00 p.m. In GMU's Harris Theatre. Tickets on sale now in the Center for the Arts box office: $5 GMU students (with ID), $10 faculty/staff, $15 community members.

A package deal for The Vagina Monologues and A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and a Prayer is also available ($7 for Mason students, $15 for Mason faculty/staff and $30 for the general public).

Please visit our website: for more information on this great event.

Please check back with us frequently for more great events!