Monday, April 14, 2008

Mason Holds Day of Remembrance for Virginia Tech Victims

From the GMU webpage today:

To commemorate the lives lost on the Virginia Tech campus a year ago, and to acknowledge violence at other universities and colleges throughout the past year, Mason will hold a series of events on Wednesday, April 16. 

The events will seek to unite the Mason community while providing a safe venue in which to discourage violence. 

Student Government members and student leaders will remember the moment –when the first shots were heard at 7:15 a.m. on April 16, 2007– by placing white ribbons around the trees throughout the North Plaza and Student Union Building I areas. 

At noon, university administrators, students, faculty and staff are invited to the Johnson Center to hear commemorative speeches by Mason President Alan Merten and Student Body President Drew Shelnutt. 

The speeches will be followed by a moment of silence and a performance by Laura Mays, a Mason student who wrote a song about the tragedy. 

A kiosk will also be set up in the Johnson Center for members of the Mason community to pick up a ribbon or make their own. Staff from Sexual Assault Services and Counseling and Psychological Services will be available to offer support to anyone who needs it. A banner promoting nonviolence will be on display for the Mason community to sign. 

At 7:30 p.m., a vigil and night of reflection for the university and surrounding community will be held on the North Plaza. The Student Activities Office will provide candles, and the reflection will be facilitated by a Mason student or staff member. 

In addition, Virginia Gov. Timothy Kaine has ordered the state flag be lowered to half-staff for the day and has called for a moment of silence, followed by a tolling of bells statewide, in memory of those killed last year. 

For more information about the commemorative events, e-mail Student Body Vice President Ijeoma Nwatu at

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