Friday, February 15, 2008

Updates February 2007

We are going to be very busy in the latter part of the spring semester. Below are just a few offerings:

1. The SAS Coordinating Council will be having a meeting in the JC Robeson Room, on Tuesday, March 4th, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. This group is composed of victim service providers both on campus and in our surrounding community...advocates, law enforcement, and health professionals. On this particular day, our agenda will include the following topics:
-Review of our 2008 Healthy Relationships Week which was held February 1-8
-Review of newly enacted/pending Virginia legislation regarding sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, and stalking
-Presentation of new initiatives this spring - Write to Heal group, 'One Can' campaign, and the Survival Quilt Project
-Information about remaining spring theme weeks -- Safe Spring Break (March 3-7) and Victims' Rights Week (April 13-18)

This year's Victims' Rights Week will include our 12th Annual Victims' Rights Walk/Run on April 15 as well as the commemoration of the one year anniversary of the Virginia Tech tragedy (April 16). If there are any suggestions as to what the GMU community can do to commemorate the tragedy, please post ideas on this blog or email the creator of the blog (

One of our own Peers Patty Zorbas and staff member Kathleen Gless will discuss the Write to Heal Group that they are co-facilitating this spring.

We will also be preparing presentations for two Healthy Sexuality classes, occuring on April 29 and May 5 at 7:30pm in PE 217 again.

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